media monarchy episode222
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- Publication date
- 2011-06-24
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- CC0 1.0 Universal
- Topics
- alternative news, cyber/space\war, food world order, holy hexes, media monarchy, mp3, navigating netflix, podcast, portland, pra, revere radio, zero point radio,
- Item Size
- 348.5M

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and a huge thanks to free radio olympia, berkeley liberation radio, ground zero radio, one sky radio & others for rebroadcasting the show...
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media monarchy:
episode222 - june 24, 2011 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
sons & daughters 'breaking fun' (audio) pilot episode: 'the experiment' episode033 - educational initiations of self episode006 - a valedictorian speaks about unschooling whole foods prisoners, greek canary, media silence - jun23
media monarchy episode221b episode191 - how to spin gold from straw
the latest corbett report videos:
sunday update: nato preparing ground war in libya
breaking: secret fbi storage drive to shield evidence from foia?
the last word on: snake oil
the latest corbett report interviews:
#342 - pepe escobar, #343 - jesse trentadue & #344 - aaron franz
ground zero: ab aeterno, the incident, kachina & more
monday - ab aeterno
tuesday - the ground zero incident
wednesday - kachina w/ guest lloyd pye
thursday - e.l.e.n.i.n.: extinction level event notable impact nemesis w/ guest jason martell
friday - out of africa & into reality
video: self-help guru convicted in arizona sweat lodge deaths (audio)
catholic 'farmville'-style facebook game unveiled
knights templar heirs demand apology from vatican
woman arrested after stealing 780yr-old church relic
6/23 pop occulture: influence, censorship & noah's ark
churches call for US to pull out of afghanistan
evangelicals see declining influence in US
video: nbc apologizes for cutting 'under god' from the pledge of allegiance during US open golf broadcast (audio)
leaving god out of pledge tees off ohio congressman
video: irked viewers not buying nbc apology
dutch populist geert wilders empowered after being acquitted of hate speech against muslims; called islam 'fascist' religion
video: dutch man builds full-size noah's ark (audio w/ pell mell)
as nuclear plants face floods, are we inches away from 'fukushima USA'?
nuke plant close to being totally flooded, but saved - for now
video: 'we almost lost nebraska' (audio w/ prefuse73)
meanwhile: virginia's surry nuclear unit 2 restart stalls...
as minot, nd evacuates as record flood imminent
related biowars/envirohealth updates:
video: why the media blackout on nuke incident at fort calhoun? (audio w/ sofa surfers)
fort calhoun: predictive drill or merely coincidence?
fort calhoun nuclear plant: radioactive plume projections released for conus
nrc tracking flooding at two nebraska nuclear power plants
video: nuclear freedom = nuclear safety (audio w/ four tet)
canadian newspaper tries to get soil tested for radiation -
private companies, govt agencies & universities all refused to get involved
huge 7.3 quake triggers tsunami alert in alaskan islands
new quake fault discovered in california could destroy dam, cause floods
israel returns nuclear waste to US
turk, israeli charged with organ trafficking in kosovo
formaldehyde added to list of cancer-causing chemicals
fda unfairly maligns tobacco plant with graphic new cigarette warning labels
video: nc woman sterilized because state deemed her 'promiscuous'
lawsuit: whole foods 'organic' china veggies from polluted prisons
you won't hear about this in the 'whole foods parking lot' (audio)
6/23 binge & purge: cruelty, control & the cost-effective clean 15
house rebukes looming fda frankenfish approval
pesticide spraying near streams to expand under house bill;
hr872 lets farmers bury 'clean water act'
utah man accused of eating live rat, posting video online charged with animal cruelty
chicago grocers accused of $500k food stamp fraud
conagra foods' net income increases, warns high costs could hurt future earnings
jack-in-the-box drops toys from kids' meals
food choices matter in weight control
the cost-effective way to feed the world
as germany outbreak ebbs, questions linger
is 'clean 15' just as toxic as 'dirty dozen'?
flashback: ewg releases 2011 'dirty dozen'
separate shelves for gmo's now law in cyprus
...meanwhile in oregon oddities...
re-evaluate roundup:
oregonian op-ed urges action from ag dept
oregon reaches $41m multistate settlement with gsk over bad drugs
portland reservoir gets drained after man urinates in it
'poop burger': get it while it's hot - and still a hoax
scientist allegedly takes protein from human excrement
video: exposed! japanese poop burger is a hoax! (audio w/ tortoise)
5.9m US kids have food allergies
video: study - food allergies in children becoming more common, severe (audio w/ thievery corporation)
bay area underground market draws authorities' notice
bright eyes 'shell games' (audio)
financial collapse of greece: canary in the coalmine for global economy?
video update: greece's papandreou survives confidence vote (audio w/ elastica)
econocrash updates:
scotus takes a step closer to debtors' prison
wal-mart sex discrimination class action rejected
unionized actors made anti-union video for target
video: nc man allegedly robs bank of $1 to get health care in jail (audio w/ mogwai)
bank demolished man's house by mistake
surprise oil release rattles markets, investors
bankster gunned down in puerto rico suspected to be professional hit
video: chris hedges says 'global revolution must begin in america'
6/23 defcon: strategies, taxes & trident tribunal
executive orders give pentagon new cyberwar guidelines
officials 'expected to announce the entire strategy soon'
ex-dhs chief warns of cyberwar with hackers
cyber attacks grow more severe, frequent, say it practitioners
bitcoin prices plummet on hacked exchange
malware bitcoin theft a false flag on revolutionary currency?
states look to internet taxes to close budget gaps
righthaven loss: judge rules reposting entire article is fair use
fbi seizes web servers, knocking sites offline
$74m scareware ring raided in 'operation trident tribunal'
winklevoss twins end appeal of facebook settlement
google breaks billion-visitor barrier
video: at new nyc hotel, a robot handles the luggage
US preparing a 'world' for cyber war games
onboard for 100 year starship
are lulzsec hacks work of military intelligence?
related updates:
mission accomplished: thanks to lulzsec, draconian cybersecurity gains support
lulzsec member nakomis allegedly military counter-intel?
uk cops swoop in on possible lulzsec suspect
defense firms see opportunity in cyber attacks
10 sci-fi predictions that came true
planet x and mysterious death of dr robert harrington
telectroscope to televirtuality
iran launches second satellite
'exercise mailed fist': largest ever marine corps drill on US east coast
multiple foreign armies involved in massive drill
military movements conus: tips thread
police state updates:
tsa now storming public places 8,000 times a year
tsa searching your car, subway, ferry, bus & plane
tsa changes policy on child pat-downs
fear of terror makes people stupid
10 signs that nazis run america
patriot act & the quiet death of the US bill of rights
cnn/cfr's fareed zakaria: dump the constitution
homeland security is big business & growing
extending fbi director mueller's term... a rare occurrence
vancouver police to use facial-recognition technology in riot investigation
marine reservist detained near pentagon linked to dc military building shootings, sources say
wrongly convicted in illinois spent total of 926yrs in prisons while real criminals killed 14
2 arrested in alleged seattle terror plot
extremists finding fertile ground in northwest US
6/23 newspurge: breaking fun
9/11 updates:
US officially drops all charges against osama bin laden
osama wanted to change al-qaeda's name for marketing reasons
everything we're doing now was planned pre-9/11
man added to official 9/11 victims list
'seven in heaven way': atheists complain about nyc street sign honoring fallen 9/11 firemen
bob hoskins regrets making one movie: 'super mario brothers'
scotus sides with big pharma in 2 decisions
long island massacre sheds light on US drug abuse problem
video: mexican forces using drug war to repress indigenous communities
US conducting 'mass surveillance' against arab world
united nations secretary general ban-ki moon sworn in for second term
mietek pemper, 91, camp inmate who compiled schindler's list
at 81, himmler's daughter still works with neo-nazis & helps ss officers evade justice
judge approves largest settlement ever against US govt: $3.4b for american indians
hiphop mogul implicated in tupac shooting arrested on drug charges
video: boston gangster, whitey bulger, arrested after 16yrs on the run (audio w/ up, bustle & out)
new japanese pop idol shocks fans with news – she's not real
marilyn monroe's old clothes fetch $8m
'lost' actor doug hutchison marries 16yr-old girlfriend
'hangover' tattoo lawsuit settles for undisclosed amount
clarence clemons, saxophonist for springsteen, dies at 69
ryan dunn, 'jackass' star, dies in drunken car accident at 34
10 possible explanations for the drop in the US crime rate
chemical suicides, popular in japan, increasing in US
nh man dies by self-immolation in courthouse protest
video: couple explains kiss amidst vancouver riots (audio w/ nine inch nails)
obamessiah & the warwhores:
video: obama addresses suckers nation on afghan 'drawdown'
obama to start afghan troop drawdown
video: maddow says afghan drawdown is 'no change in plans'
US prison in afghanistan has 10x as many prisoners as gitmo
video: obama, the baby whisperer silencer
212,000 US vets have traumatic brain injuries
quarter of all federal contracts go to 10 companies
eisenhower's worst fears came true:
we invent enemies to buy the bombs
meanwhile... ron paul wins 2012 gop straw poll in new orleans
west virginia worry:
manchin says it's time to leave afghanistan
video: manchin looking to 'change mission' in afghanistan (audio)
dep responds to fayette mining concern
wv celebrate's 148th birthday: civil war key to wv statehood
(all bed music by doves & ras command unless otherwise noted)
- Addeddate
- 2011-06-24 21:48:15
- External_metadata_update
- 2019-03-31T10:27:15Z
- Identifier
- MediaMonarchyEpisode222
- Run time
- 2:01:12
- Source
- Taped by
- Year
- 2011
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